If you are moving home and would like to continue using our services after you move, please take a look at our Postcode Checker, located on our main page at www.siluxmobile.co.uk to see if we are can offer services at your new address. If Silux Mobile is not available at your new address, we will stop your service on the date requested in your completed Moving House form.

Just fill it out and send it back to our billing team at billing@siluxmobile.co.uk with a copy of one of the following:

Please ensure you only send copies of your documentation as we are unable to return these to you. If, at the time of your move, you are still within the minimum term of your contract and are moving to an address where Silux Mobile is unavailable, you will not be liable to pay early termination charges, subject to you providing proof of your home move. Please note, we do not accept hand written documents

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